Stop letting English hold you back and start being your confident, amazing self while you’re improving your English, not after.

Next dates to be announced soon!

Let me guess:

When you hear anything about “improving your English”, your heart starts to beat a little faster (though not in a happy way) and you think:

  • You really need to fix your English.

  • Sure, you can use English more or less, but it doesn’t feel right and, really,

  • Someone in your career, in your position should be much better at it than you are and you just hope nobody finds out.

How do I know this about you?

Because I’ve worked with people like you. Because there are many of you. Because as I’m writing this page, I'm thinking about things that some of my best friends have told me. Confident, super cool, super professional people. When you look at them, you would never guess that they feel this way. But they share this ‘deep, dark secret’ that their English is not as good as it should be, and it’s just a question of time until someone notices and they will be in trouble.

Strangely enough, I think it’s because you are so confident that you feel so crappy about your English.

People at work see you as this kick-arse, go-getter super hero and they would never for a second believe that you feel the exact opposite of all that when you’re speaking English. That you are afraid of making mistakes, afraid to be judged and that you spend so much time on DeepL double-checking and triple-checking everything you send out in English because you’re worried they will find out that you are really not this amazing superhuman.

So what do you do?

You work twice as hard as you would have to, just trying to be this person everyone thinks you already are. This is the shadow-side of confidence: When people see you as confident, you think you have to constantly work to keep up the outward appearance of confidence. This is a lot of work, thinking you need to maintain this image people have of you and hide what you really are.

So then what do you do?

You dream of the alternative.

You imagine being this perfect future version of yourself:

To be confident. To be smart, funny, charming. To be able to make jokes and counter arguments and do it all spontaneously and naturally.

To speak English without doubts and fears.

To express yourself freely.

To be yourself fully.

And you probably know how you would do it if you had the time:

  • A language holiday in the UK, maybe with a homestay.

  • A sabbatical with lots of travel, maybe a ‘workation’ in some really cool place.

  • A super hard-core intensive language course that covers all the grammar again and makes you feel like an expert.

  • Then, you would become this person who just speaks English naturally and fluently and finally be complete.

The problem?

You think that you need this huge transformation, this big plan that will jump-start a process that changes everything forever.

But your plan is so big that you can never even start it!

Where are you going to find the time to go on a 3-month language holiday in the UK with a homestay? When are going to take a sabbatical? Any time soon or in a few years when you’ve settled into your career a bit more? How are you going to integrate the super hard-core intensive language course into your life right now? Like, realistically?

You don’t start because you don’t feel like you have the time you need to make it completely perfect. And that is why you are not even doing all of the smaller things you could be doing:

One language course wouldn’t be enough to fix all of the grammar problems you have. One normal holiday is not long enough to meet enough people to feel confident when you speak English. Reading one book won’t help. Starting small is just not worth it, you have to start with the basics and then continue in a systematic way. And you just don’t have time for that right now.

I probably don’t have to spell this out for you at this point but I will:

If you keep thinking like this, the change you want is never going to happen.

I’m sorry, okay?

I hate to be the person who destroys your dreams like this but it pains me to see it when people are holding themselves back with these ideas of perfection (remember, I’m talking to some of my best friends here). So, I’m sorry for trampling all over your dreams like that, but I think maybe you needed to hear it.

Don’t worry, the good part is coming.

I understand what is holding you back and I know how to help you break through it. And that means I can help you in ways that normal language programmes can’t.

What makes Express your Self different from other language programmes

Language schools and online courses normally advertise with all of the things that are already making you feel bad about yourself:

They say: We will help you fix your grammar.

You think: Yes, God, I know, my grammar is so terrible!

They say: We will give you native speaking teachers.

You think: Yes, good, because my accent is so embarrassing and I make all the typical mistakes!

They say: We will train you on how to do business internationally.

You think: Yes, finally! I’m probably doing so many things wrong and I don’t even realise it!

You don’t need another language programme that makes you feel bad about yourself.

You need a programme that empowers you to connect with your natural confidence right now and improve your English in a way that suits you and makes you feel stronger.

Frances’ Story

Watch Frances talk about why she joined the programme, what her experience was, and how she is feeling about her English now.

More about Frances:

In this 4-week group coaching programme, I will take you from “Shit, I really need to fix my English” to “I have everything I need to design the life I deserve right now”. 

To achieve that, we’re not just going to work on your English*.

* Don’t worry: We will do that, too. This is not a programme where I will tell you to just ‘be creative’ and communicate whatever you feel with no thought about other people understanding you. That is the opposite extreme and it wouldn’t help you.

But we will do more than that.

We will also look at the limiting beliefs you have about learning, your abilities and your talents. We will talk about confidence and self-esteem and what you need to do to transform how you feel so you can stop feeling like you have to hide something shameful.

If you don’t address these underlying issues, you can study grammar and vocabulary for the rest of your life and not feel like you are really improving. 

It’s possible to have perfect English and feel like an absolute idiot.

It’s also possible to have good-enough English and feel absolutely spectacular.

Which one would you prefer?

Something in the middle? I agree. Look at that. You are already beginning to let go of your perfectionism. :)

Confidence and competence are not the same thing. I know this is true because I have worked with many high-level English users who feel like idiots. And you would never think it about them. I mean artists, top managers, high-ranking politicians. People who seem confident and untouchable, who speak English fluently. But on the inside? They feel just like you.

And then I also meet this very different type of person: people with very limited English skills who talk to you and they are completely captivating. They’re charming, they’re real, they’re magnetic.

Their mistakes? You don’t care!

Their accent? A part of who they are!

Their English? Not a priority! You want to hear what they have to say and you couldn’t care less about their English.

So, what I’m trying to do is this: I want to bring these two kinds of people closer together. I want to help you (probably Type 1) to see what you can learn from Type 2, while also enjoying the confidence and sense of control that comes from improving your skillset methodically in a Type 1 way. Best of both worlds.

And why am I the person who can help you do that? Because this space between Type 1 and Type 2? That’s where I live.

I’m very visible and I’m not afraid to stand out. I regularly work in performance arts and have been naked on stage more than once (Type 2). People tell me I have this great charisma (not only when I’m naked!) but I’m also a deeply analytical, hyper-organised, self-improvement-obsessed nerd with crippling perfectionism (Type 1) so believe me when I say I’ve walked both worlds and I can show you both.

Are you ready to let go of your fantasy about the amazing way that you will transform some magical day (when you finally have the time) and start looking at what you can do right now to start building the life you want?


Express your Self

This 4-week coaching programme will make you confident and set you up to make your English what you want it to be.

There are three components you need to integrate if you want to achieve Mastery in any skill:

Mindset, Motivation, and Methods (model adapted from Jim Kwik).

Each module of this programme focuses in on one of these components. We will dig deep into each of them and break down the blockages that are holding you back in your confidence when you’re speaking English.

  1. Mindset: To change anything, you first have to believe that it is possible. We will dig deep here and find out where your beliefs and expectations about learning and perfectionism come from. We will examine each one, decide which ones are useful and which ones you are ready to let go of, then build your new, empowering beliefs and expectations.

  2. Motivation: There’s bad motivation and there’s good motivation. If your motivation right now is “Shit, I should really do something to fix my English”, you are not exactly setting yourself up for success. Instead, we will find out how to motivate you in a positive, sustainable way so that you feel great about setting goals and stay motivated long term.

  3. Methods: There is no one perfect method to learn languages that works magically for everyone. Sorry if you thought that I was going to sell you a magic fix like that, but unfortunately, there is no such thing. But that doesn’t mean that there is not the perfect method mix for you. I know that everyone can find methods that are so much fun for them that they quickly become addictive. That make learning effortless and natural. You just need to be creative and I’m going to help you find your way.

  4. Mastery: In this final module, we integrate the components. What does it mean to “master” something? Does it mean you achieve perfection? No. A true master will be the first one to tell you that perfection does not exist. To truly master something means to make a skill a part of your life, to integrate it in a way that it is no longer something that is outside of you, but a part of who you are. We will make you the active, confident user of English you deserve to be. So that you will no longer have to hold yourself back but so that you have the power to express your self as you wish.

“Express your Self” is a 4-week group coaching programme that includes:

  • A weekly 60-mins coaching call for questions (4 calls) + a follow-up call after one month (total: 5 live Zoom calls).

  • Weekly video lessons (30 mins) for each module to guide you through the course work at your own pace.

  • A coaching portfolio with inspiration, tasks, and lots of space for you to design your personal learning.

  • Lifetime access course content with the recorded group coaching sessions and materials all in one place.

  • Bonus material: masterclasses on targeted vocabulary building.

Express your Self – January 2024
One time
For 3 months

4-week coaching programme to help you express yourself more freely and beautifully in English. 17 January– 07 February 2024 + Follow-up call on 13 March 2024

✓ Video lessons for each module
✓ A weekly 60-mins coaching call (4 calls) + follow-up call
✓ PDF coaching portfolio with inspiration, tasks, and insights
✓ Lifetime access course content with recorded Q&A calls
✓ Bonus materials on targeted vocabulary learning

The portfolio

Learning has to be personal. And, I think, it should be pretty. That’s why you’ll be working with a portfolio that I’ve designed which gives you the space to personalise your learning and paint it in your own colours.

Option: Paper portfolio

Everyone who registers for Express your Self gets the coaching portfolio in PDF form. In addition, you can get this premium paper version. Recommended if you are a paper person. :)

Express your Self: Paper portfolio

Coaching portfolio in paper form

The coaching portfolio contains questions, inspirations, and resources that guide you through the programme. Each paper portfolio is handmade by me and contains little surprises for each week.

Printed on recycled paper.

Handmade. From Sarah with love.

The paper portfolio will be shipped via mail, so this option is currently only available if you live in Germany.



I’m afraid I will not have enough time.

When will you ever? I mean, really. Do you think that someday, all of the things that are keeping you busy right now, your work, family, hobbies, friends, that one day they will all just stop and you will suddenly have time? Do you really want that to happen? We never have time. We have to make time. Prioritise this now, make a little time for it now and then save all the time you normally waste worrying about your English and triple-checking every email you send.

What if I can’t come to the live coaching calls?

Of course it’s great of you can be there live: you will have a chance to ask questions, get coached by me directly, and get to know the rest of the people in the programme so that you can support each other. But, realistically, we will never be able to schedule a time where every one of you can make it every single time. So each live coaching call will be recorded and I will make the recording available to everyone in the programme on the same day so you can watch it later.

How will the course work? What tech do I need?

The course will be hosted on Teachable, a leading course platform. You will have a dedicated page there that is only for our group. You can find all of our course materials, the recordings from our coaching calls, and our community forum there. You will need to create an account on Teachable but, believe me, it’s all very easy. For the coaching calls, we will be using Zoom. You don’t need to install anything.

Can I get a refund if I see that “Express your Self” is not what I need?

Yes, you can. If at the end of Week 2 you see that this is not the right programme for you, I will refund the money to you in full.

What if I just don’t have a talent for languages, will EDGY be able to help me?

It’s not about talent. Maybe you’re not going to believe me now but the programme will prove to you that while our brains are all unique, there is a way for every person to break through and learn languages to a much higher level than they thought was possible. It’s a question of balancing out your mindset, motivation, and methods and I will be there to help you do that.

Is my English even good enough to be in this programme?

This is not a programme for low-level learners. But guess what: if you have been reading this page without major problems so far, then, yes, darling, your English is absolutely fine. This is an advanced offer and to get the most out of my coaching you should have an upper-intermediate level (that’s about B2-C1). If your level is lower than that, I can recommend trainers who can serve you better than I can. If you’re having doubts, just give me a call.

Are you going to run the course again? I’m just so busy right now, can I join next time?

Yes, I am planning to run this course every 2-3 months from now on. But there are two good reasons to join now: 1) the price is going to go up after this time. Also, the group will be bigger each time and future groups will not get as much hands-on support from me. So if you want to get my direct support for only 379 EUR? Get it while it’s hot, babe!